I was privileged enough to be connected with Alex Perry’s writing/critique group through Houston Writer’s Guild a few years ago. Although we’ve never met in person, I’m a huge fan of her work and her honesty. She was the first person willing to give me honest feedback – “It’s boring. It’s like watching someone watch someone else play a game.” It was a tremendous wake-up call for me and forced me to think critically about my writing. It helped. Recently, she agreed to do this interview.

Please enjoy these 10 Questions and Alex’s answers.

Alex Perry, author of Pighearted
  1. Your book, Pighearted, is a stunning blend of humor and poignancy. J6 comes across as very funny with a little bit of snark. Where does that come from? 

J6’s voice is pretty much just my internal monologue. I can barely get conversation without a joke or a reference, and I loved getting to write a character that really let me put a lot of myself into the story.  

2. Night owl or early bird? When did it become that way?

As a mother of a toddler that often wakes up at four, I became an early bird the day of her birth. She’s still not sleeping through the night, so as soon as I put her to bed I pass out on the couch. That means that naptime is my only writing time.

3. Please describe the perfect setting for you when you write.

All I need is quiet, a comfy chair, and a mug of tea (earl gray, hot). 

4. Tell us your approach to critique groups.

I LOVE THEM! I’m a big feedback person and love the accountability and sounding board my critique group gives me. I write better when I’m writing with them in mind. My current critique group meets over slack and edits in shared google docs, which has made implementing critiques a lot easier. 

5. What’s the “secret sauce” in your writing?

I try to put as much of myself into my writing as possible. It all feels very autobiographical, and I love blending comedy and pathos. I’m convinced that somehow I can turn the tears of children into profit.  

6. If you could be a superhero, who would you be, and why?

I vaguely remember a girl in one of the X-Men movies that could change the channel by blinking. That would be incredibly convenient and I don’t think any supervillains would feel the need to bother me. 

7. Star Trek or Star Wars? 

Star Wars is great! Who doesn’t get a little misty when the Millenium Falcon swoops by? However, I love Star Trek with the white-hot intensity of a warp core. It gives me the same feeling diehard sports fans have for their favorite team, and if ever got a tattoo it would be the Starfleet insignia. The optimism of the Federation soothes me, and I watch it all. Old Trek, New Trek, 90s Trek, it’s all great. My favorite series is Keeping up with the Cardassians, my favorite captain is Picard, and my favorite ship is the Enterprise D. 

Picard’s Enterprise D – Star Trek now leads 3-0 in the Feral Poll.

Approximately 12% of people report that they dream in black and white.

8. Do you dream in color, or black-and-white? Do you remember your dreams? 

People dream in black-and-white? I had no idea. I dream in color.

9. Which of your characters do you love the most? Which do you hate?

I love J6! He’s some pig. And hate? I don’t really write many villains so I don’t think I actually hate any of the characters. Is heart disease a character? I hate heart disease. 

10. What non-financial advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Take more time off work and go on a honeymoon. The substitute can handle it! 

Pighearted is an outstanding book!

Thanks for your time, Alex. I loved Pighearted and hope you see all the success it deserves.

You can buy Pighearted here.

Connect with Alex on her website, alexperrybooks, here.

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  1. Amani Jesu

    Fun interview! Some of the questions would be surprisingly hard for me – Star Wars or Star Trek, hmm…