Matt Nappo

Two interviews went live this week. The first actually aired live last night and is now available for your asynchronous viewing pleasure. 

I chatted with Matt Nappo of Minddog TV last night. Matt’s a great conversationalist and has built a very diverse audience. We talked about Flat Earth, UFOs, and the Moon landings – all within the first 5 minutes. Then we moved on to solar power, AI, political turmoil, defunding law enforcement, D-Day, and SPARK. It was a lot of fun and Matt kept the discussion moving.

Check out our episode here.

The Flat Earth concept comes in at a 0/10 on Feral’s science scale.

Wait. Flat Earth? Yep, Matt wanted to ask me because the concept has apparently come up on his podcast before. There are people who actually believe it. At first, I just thought that this idea was a joke, a meme, a way to make fun of someone who doesn’t trust, or understand, either the science or the math, behind a concept. Apparently it’s much worse.

The truth is that Earth rides on the back of a turtle. Don’t bother asking about what the turtle eats or stands upon. That’s the equivalent of questioning theology, or trying to figure out what a woman is. Simply accept that it’s turtles all the way down and move on.

Just Joshin’

Josh Pantalleresco and I chatted a while back for his Just Joshin podcast. It was a busy day for Josh, and he caught up with me from a coffee shop outside Winnipeg. Josh is also an author and has a couple of epic poetry books out. They are based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice and are titled. We covered some interesting ground including parenting – a turn I never anticipated for the conversation. We delve into some great sci-fi, both old school and new. You can find it here.

Josh’s cover for Alice Won

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  1. cdfitzgerald

    People have way too much time on their hands to start believing the flat Earth theories! They are CRAZY!

    1. patdaily2

      Amazing to me that some people are serious in this belief, and I love a good conspiracy!