There was a surprising amount of drama associated with this cover. The firm that did my last cover seemed eager to do this one, but took their time with an initial design and then went silent on revisions. Several promises later, I gave them a deadline. A week after that passed, they said they’d get something to me “soon.”

I’d already gone to Plan Dee.

The Busy Dee was one of the top contenders for the first cover. I loved her work. It just didn’t tell enough of the story on the cover. I reached out to her for the cover for Fire. She was quick to respond and quick to make changes. Here’s the result:

War Janne – now known as Morrigan, the Celtic Goddess of War and Death looms in the background

The book should be available soon on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I’ll let you know when it is.

What’s next? 

The next book in the series is targeted for release late next year. Meanwhile, I’m creating a novella from content I cut from Fire. It’s tentatively titled OrcLand and should be out mid-year.

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