NewDog needs a home

We rescued a dog on Mother’s Day. It was raining and he was being an idiot: racing around in four lanes of traffic, chasing cars, not using the crosswalk. Ardith and I looked at each other and sighed. I pulled over and we slogged through the rain and got him into the car. He had a shock collar, but no ID. He’s not neutered and not chipped. We’ve posted signs and notices in all the appropriate places. We’ve temporarily named him NewDog. 

This post isn’t really about him. It’s about sunrises.

I was walking NewDog a few days ago, early in the morning to avoid having to interact with other dogs, humans, cars, and pretty much everything else. NewDog has a lot to learn before he’s GoodDog.

Ahead of us, an older gentleman left his house for his morning constitutional. NewDog and I hung back. NewDog is enthusiastic and currently weighs close to 70 pounds on his way to 100+.

The man ahead of us turned the corner and stopped. I got aggravated. Couldn’t he see that I was barely in control of this hound? What was he thinking? He turned, pulled out his camera, and took a picture – not of us, of the sunrise.

In the midst of all my other concerns, I had not noticed the beauty of the sunrise. We often get wrapped up in the minutiae of our lives and don’t see the beauty that surrounds us. Point made, good sir. I stopped, turned, and, NewDog cooperated long enough for us both to appreciate the beauty of nature. I took this picture. NewDog ate a flower, peed on a rock, and we went on.

Take the time to enjoy life. Walk the dog. Eat a flower. Please don’t pee on a rock if it’s a violation of public decency laws in your area. For some reason, what is acceptable for a dog is considered taboo for humans. 

Next, buy your ticket to ComicPalooza. Then come see me at Booth 2303. I’ll show you the latest pictures of NewDog. Sadly he won’t be at the Con – apparently they have rules.

Just confirmed: Amani Jesu, author of the great Eliana Who Sees Us, will be joining us at the booth. Rumor has it that she’ll scan you for demons and sign your book. Come meet her.

If you look closely at the picture, you can get a sneak preview of our new T-shirt design!

She’s a Houston author and came to see me at Third Planet.

See you this weekend!

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  1. cdfitzgerald

    Can’t wait to see y’all at Comicpalooza!!!!