Dr. Jacalyn Kerbeck

Dr. Jacalyn had me on her show, The Corner Bookstore, recently. The show airs on USA Global TV and Radio. It was a lot of fun chatting with her and author Diann Boehm. We talk about writing for a particular age group, SPARK, and the world in general. But as I’ve reviewed the show, all I can think of is, am I sitting too close to the camera? Dr. J and Diann look like normal humans, I look…well, like I ought to be a foot farther away from the camera.

I was surprised when they asked me to read from my book. I hadn’t done that before. It was a bit intimidating and enjoyable at the same time.

They also gave me the choice of using a green screen background, or my actual background. I chose to go with the actual background. Why? Well, the green screen I have turns out to be a bit small, and it looked silly. Plus, having my bookcase in the background allowed me to surreptitiously plug my book. If you look closely, you can also see Alex Perry’s book, Pig Hearted just behind my left ear.

Check it out here.

Am I too close to the camera?

Other exciting news. I just listened to the first chapter of my audiobook. Freddy Cruz is the narrator, and he’s doing a great job. He’s also an author – They Cancelled the DJ. It’s a little surrealistic listening to someone else read the words you have written.

That’s our Luna, center left

One bizarre thing: A couple of weeks ago, I did a review of Carol Novello’s book, Mutual Rescue. Having a couple of rescue hounds of my own, I included their pictures in the review. Then I asked Carol for an interview. When she consented, I went looking for different pictures of her. I didn’t want to use the same ones as from the book review. You won’t believe what I found. (How’s that for click bait?)

There, along with all the pictures of Carol, her book, and the organizations she helps, were pictures of my dogs. It was very cool. 

I immediately told my family. 

The pics are several screens back by now. Still, it stunned me to see my dogs show up in an image search.

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