Primary dog Luna had to hold the cover down for me. I accidentally bent the spine of the book. Sorry!

For Eliana, life’s big adventures are about to begin. She’s 18 and about to move to Chicago with her boyfriend. It’s Thanksgiving. He doesn’t show up for dinner. Then things go downhill.

Instead of moving in with her boyfriend, Eliana moves in with a friend. A good friend. The kind of friend who has your back and picks you up. We sense that with decent support, Eliana is going to put her life back together. God has other things planned.

While shopping at the mall, Eliana has a seizure and begins to see creatures. Creatures attached to other people.

Eliana struggles with this and doubts her sanity. Who wouldn’t? No one else sees the creatures. Eliana also faces some romantic issues and her choice of a jerk-boyfriend previously, informs her decisions in her current good boy/bad boy dilemma. 

Eliana-Who-Sees-Us is an enthralling read that pulls you along. The author does a stellar job of addressing the conflict between the secular world and the spiritual without ever getting self-righteous about it. That was important to me. Several years ago, I read the Left Behind series by LaHaye and Jenkins. The spiritual tone and some concepts were similar. The writing in Eliana-Who-Sees-Us is much better. Jesu has made her characters believable and never once hits us with the condescension that occasionally accompanies fiction with spiritual themes. 

On the Feral Scale, the science comes in at N/A – it’s our current world, and Jesu doesn’t push any technology that would justify an explanation. The story is a strong 8.

This is one of the best covers I have seen. Well done!

It’s a great read. I hope we can look forward to a lot more from Amani Jesu. I’m going to reach out for an interview. Let’s hope she agrees!

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