I picked up Vinge’s book because it won a Hugo. It was time well spent.

Rainbows End tells a compelling story in a world filled with advanced technology. It is a story about a man who lost everything due to Alzheimer’s disease, and he gets a chance to reclaim his life in a world where the internet has become more than just a tool.

The book is set in a future where wearable tech is integrated into every aspect of daily life. People have neural implants that allow them to connect to the internet and access information with subtle gestures and subvocalization.

The story follows the life of Robert Gu, a former poet who built his entire sense of self-worth based on his verbal and written gifts, all of which he lost to Alzheimer’s disease. He is estranged from his family because he is a major jerk who drove off his wife and alienated his son. He lives in a nursing home. One day that changes with a cure.

It’s an interesting look at medical miracles that won’t work for everyone – a lot of them depend on your genetic makeup. Medically, Gu hits the Powerball. He is mentally and physically rejuvenated, and still a jerk. He’s no longer the World’s Best Poet, he’s just a very good one. He can tell the difference.

What would you give to get back your greatest ability?

Vinge has won an impressive FIVE Hugo Awards.

Gu navigates a world that has changed significantly since he succumbed to dementia. He goes back to high school – a vocational program for people like him and lower-scale kids who can’t make it in the on-level classes.

Vinge published this book in 2006 and it stands up well. I can easily see society and tech going where Vinge imagines. 

On the Feral scale, it’s a 9 for Science. I wanted him to give us a better explanation for how he thought some of the tech might work. On the story scale, it’s a 10. Great read that lingers in my thoughts and made me look at a lot of things with a different perspective. One of the things I pondered about was the title itself. Is there a missing apostrophe? I’ll let you decide for yourself after you read it. 

Let me know!

This weekend, I’m off to Nico’s Comics and Games in Baytown. I’ll be there from noon to two. Stop by and chat. Buy a book.

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