This Saturday, March 18th, I’ll be appearing at Third Planet Sci-Fi Superstore in Houston. I’ll be there from 1-4 PM to talk about the series, sign books, and generally nerd out with other sci-fi fans. They are located at 2718 Southwest Freeway. Check out their Facebook page and show them (and me) some love.

I’ll be here Saturday from 1 to 4.

First editions of SPARK are going for ridiculous prices online. I have a few and will bring them to sell to fans/collectors.

Publicist for the UK, Ben Cameron, has gotten some requests for articles. wanted one. Sometimes magazines, ezines, and blogs, are just happy with whatever you want to write. had a specific title and theme for me:

How a Life of Adventure Led to My Thriller Novels For Teenagers

Well. Ooookaaayyy…

When I sat down to write the piece, I thought that I hadn’t exactly led a life of adventure but as I wrote it, I thought, maybe I have. I consider myself at about the halfway point, so there should be plenty more to come and it’s been interesting so far. Here’s the link to the article.

If you’re in Houston this weekend, I hope to see you at Third Planet.

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  1. Trey

    I hope I can make it.

    1. patdaily2

      Trey, hope to see you there!