Cool Promo Stuff

I continue to be amazed at the high quality, highly creative people that my publisher, Inklings Publishing, is calling in to work on my book. Today's shout-out goes to the graphic artist who did all of the promo material. Karina Winbigler is a wizard at this stuff. Check her out…

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Hey! I wrote a book.

Maybe highly experienced/published writers don't get quite the same thrill as I'm experiencing right now. Pre-orders for my book just went live on Amazon, Square, and via the publisher, Inklings Publishing. Here's the link to the Inklings market page: If you want a hard copy, and I know that…

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Writing help

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected quarter. It’s an old adage that in order to be a better writer, you must read voraciously. I do. Not quite at the level of Maria Popova ( But I read a lot. In my entire life, I’ve only re-read a few books: Dune,…

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Hey! I’m on a podcast.

A while back, Angie Drymala of Creatrix Chats interviewed me for her podcast. It was not what I expected. I was anticipating some of the standard author questions (and got a few of those) but our conversation ended up being fairly wide ranging over the hour we talked. Here's the…

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