My guest blog for Reader’s Entertainment
Is now live! You can see it here: Fictionally Factual I'll post an expanded version of it here in a couple of days.
Is now live! You can see it here: Fictionally Factual I'll post an expanded version of it here in a couple of days.
This was a busy week. Three interviews, a press release, and a couple of podcasts. The podcasts are about a month away from airing, but one of the interviews is now live and the press release is out. Here’s the press release from Reader’s Entertainment: SPARK It's pretty cool to see…
The Paradox Hotel is a love story set 50 years from now. The love story part is touching at times, the rest, not so much. The basic premise is that time travel has become a reality, but it’s limited to the US government and the very, very wealthy. Believable so…
Moving pieces It’s a busy time for me. I’m doing revisions to Fire, blogging, working, and “building my platform.” One of my favorite scene in Star Trek, TOS That’s a phrase that didn’t exist twenty years ago unless you were talking about something to stand on. Now, publishers and agents…