Running Toward the Apocalypse

A while back I read a piece – at least I think I read it. At this point media intake gets so jumbled that I can’t remember if I read something in a book, saw it on TV, heard it on a Podcast, or saw it as part of a…


Book Review: The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells

Ann Leckie - author of the Ancillary series has a quote on the cover. I came close to not reading this series. “Murderbot” made me think that it was going to be a horror/sci-fi lash up, heavy on the horror. Movies are often like this. They get billed as sci-fi,…


Not Worth Criticizing

Aronson, at 92, is still writing and lecturing One of the podcasts I listen to is The Hidden Brain. Recently Elliot Aronson (ground breaking work as a psychologist studying cognitive dissonance, social psychology, and the Jigsaw Classroom), was the guest. Aronson studied under Maslow as an undergrad. Yes, that Maslow.…


Book Review: The Heart Rehab Experiment by Starla DeKruyf

I picture Kate Hudson teaming with Paul Rudd in the movie that they’ll make from DeKruyf’s book. So does she. In fact, Starla DeKruyf (@starlawrites) dedicates The Heart Rehab Experiment to Paul Rudd first and her husband second. That tells you a bit about DeKruyf’s sense of humor. The book…