A few days ago, I introduced my new interview series, “Ten questions with….”
That post was about my interview with Joseph D. Newcomer and generated a lot of response. Recently, I’ve begun pushing blog notices out through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. That has also generated some response.
I introduced the series by saying this:
“I’ve been interviewed a few times in the last couple of weeks. The questions are fairly predictable: Where do you get your ideas? Advice for new writers? What’s your genre? All good questions, but they get asked a lot. None of the interviewers have read SPARK or this blog – yet. “

Alan R. Warren, host of NBC Radio’s Hour of Mystery program called me out on that via a comment on Facebook.
“That will change on April 14!” he said.
What happens on April 14th? He’s interviewing me on his show. Find the show here.
Dang. He just raised the bar. He’s doing pre-show research. That means I must do more pre-show research. Game on!

To start my prep, I bought one of his books: Beyond Suspicion: Russell Williams: A Canadian Serial Killer. I’ve got 12 days to finish it.
The next part of the prep was the purchase of an actual microphone. I wasn’t happy with the quality of the audio on my end when I was interviewed on the Douglas Coleman Show. He cleaned it up nicely, but it pointed to a deficiency that I could fix.

By the way, that interview is now live and can be found here:
Unrelated to either of those, my book promotion on Goodreads just ended. I spent some time autographing books yesterday and will get them in the mail today. I was stunned by the number of people that entered: 1,948. For those that didn’t win the book, you can buy it here.
Well, I guess I need to get busy on Warren’s book.
Next up: 10 Questions with Mack Little. Mack is the author of Daughter of Hades, a historical romance with a supernatural twist.