Where have I been? It’s been a minute since my last post. In the interim, I picked up some consulting work, adding quite a load to my everyday job, had some family-related health concerns, and been trying to work on Book 3.

It’s been burning me out and after a long time pondering life and the future, I’ve decided to abandon the soul-sucking tyranny of my full-time job.
What’s next? Writing, lots more writing. I’m about one-third away done with Book 3 – Ash. It’s intended to be the concluding novel in the Spark Chronicles. I love Will and Feral but feel the need to expand and tell some other stories that have been wandering around my prefrontal cortex. I also need to show more love to my blog, update the website, prepare for ComicPalooza, clean out the garage, and yell at kids to get off my lawn.
FIGMO dates to my time in the USAF. In general, we’d move every three years. The closer we got to the new assignment, the more we started focusing on it and paying less attention to the “pecked to death by chickens” aspects of the current job. Someone came up with the acronym FIGMO – F**k It, Got My Orders. You could be promised the moon, but until Personnel handed you a stack of orders, it wasn’t real.
The FIGMO Factor is derived from a simple formula: Days in current job/days to departure. Everyday the numerator increments up and the denominator rachets down. When you hit zero, the function goes to infinity. As this is me leaving behind the sale of my 8 to 5 soul, I’ve decided that the numerator should be the days I’ve worked full time since I started until the day I take the leap of faith. As of today, my FIGMO Factor is 580. Yikes!
I’m planning on doing some consulting, but that’s as much about feeling the need for a security blanket as anything else. Cheating? Not fully trusting in the writing gig? Maybe, but, hey, I’ve got a family.
Thirty days to go.