A while back, Angie Drymala of Creatrix Chats interviewed me for her podcast. It was not what I expected. I was anticipating some of the standard author questions (and got a few of those) but our conversation ended up being fairly wide ranging over the hour we talked.
Here’s the link to the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50554875?fbclid=IwAR2RcttxPujvjvziKhOKcIZTOMsq-rBXfho0uKvpEyv9vpspfjFnc7L1UTw
There’s probably a cleaner way to insert a long url like that. Feel free to enlighten me!

The book has been delayed slightly due to some printing issues but will go live for pre-orders next week for the ebook and a bit later than that for the hard copy. I’ll update appropriately.
Angie’s an author herself and has a pretty cool book (written as Angie Rooker) called Enchanted Sacred Garden.
Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/Enchanted-Sacred-Garden-Angie-Rooker/dp/035906017X