Juliana Harkavy will be at ComicPalooza this weekend.
I don’t have quite the same history with Juliana as I do with Bill Shatner. In fact, our history is limited to me seeing her as Alicia in The Walking Dead and Dinah Drake/Black Canary in Arrow.
Still, just in case getting to hang out with me and the Shat isn’t enough, you can swing by the autograph tables on Saturday or Sunday and say “hi” to Juliana.
Based on multi-verse theory, there is a possibility that she’ll swing by Booth 2303 to have me sign all of the books she’s going to buy. Don’t worry, she’ll have to wait her turn.
I haven’t heard whether she will be cosplaying as either character or wearing the Black Canary mask if she does. Stop by the booth and I’ll let you know what I’ve learned.

Juliana claims to be of Dominican, African, Chinese, Ukrainian, and Hungarian descent. That’s a crowded gene pool, but it’s also the American melting pot story.