Book Review: Surviving Survival by Laurence Gonzalez

Several years ago, I read Gonzalez’ Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why. I thought it had so much to say that I even used it as a case study in seminars. In that book, Gonzalez examines why, in very similar circumstances – sometimes identical – some people make it through,…

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Late last night, I clicked “send” on the manuscript for Book 2 in the SPARK series: Fire. It’s now in the publisher’s inbox waiting to be assigned to one of the two developmental editors Inklings has hired recently. The feeling that accompanies the submittal. I have mixed feelings about it.…

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Book Review: Implied Spaces by Walter Jon Williams

It’s the far distant future. Unfortunately, it takes a while to figure that out. Williams plunges you mid-adventure into the life of Astride, a scholar cum adventurer, whose alleged goal is to study the ecology of implied spaces. What’s an implied space? They are often unintentional. The legs of a…

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Book Review: The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell

Not my usual fare for this blog as it's historical non-fiction, but this book made me reexamine my thinking vis-à-vis our conduct of the air war in Europe and Japan during WWII. @malcolmgladwell also wrote Blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers - all of which I enjoyed. Between The War…

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