10 Questions with Liz Bullard

Liz Bullard Liz is the author of the Prophecy trilogy. I was honored to be on her excellent eReads podcast and wanted to turn the table around because it was such a pleasure to chat with her. Here are my 10 Questions: I want to hear about Preston, your Corgi.…


Unstoppable Mindset Podcast with Michael Hingson

I’ve mentioned Mike Hingson on this blog before and am still serializing my interview of him. He’s a very generous and insightful guy. Generous for asking me to be on his podcast and then agreeing to be interviewed by me later. His podcast episode with me is now live at…

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SPARK Second Edition: Cover Reveal

The journey to this point has been a bit longer than I anticipated. I ran this as a competition through 99designs and was very pleased with the results. One major lesson learned for the next time will be to make the competition “private” so that artists can’t see each other’s…

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