10 Questions with Fern Brady

Fern Brady Fern Brady operates at full throttle. She is the CEO and Owner of Inklings Publishing (my publisher). She is a polymath with careers in teaching and real estate. Oh, yeah, she’s also an author, and is the head of the Houston Writer’s Guild.  Full. Throttle.  Her debut novel,…


10 Questions with Alex Perry

I was privileged enough to be connected with Alex Perry's writing/critique group through Houston Writer's Guild a few years ago. Although we've never met in person, I'm a huge fan of her work and her honesty. She was the first person willing to give me honest feedback - "It's boring.…

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10 Questions with Mack Little

Mack Little I met Mack about four years ago through the Houston Writer's Guild and promptly fell in love with her prose. I've reviewed her Daughter of Hades book on this blog. We both worked at Inkling Publishing's table during Comicpalooza last year and I witnessed something I never expected.…


Called Out!

A few days ago, I introduced my new interview series, “Ten questions with….” That post was about my interview with Joseph D. Newcomer and generated a lot of response. Recently, I’ve begun pushing blog notices out through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. That has also generated some response. I introduced the…