Cupboard under the stairs

You should know this already. Prior to attending Hogwarts, when the Dursley's punished Harry Potter, they made him sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. We’re moving. Long tale of woe involving program issues and long delays and innumerable other problems familiar to anyone who has worked on a failed/failing…

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Cool Promo Stuff

I continue to be amazed at the high quality, highly creative people that my publisher, Inklings Publishing, is calling in to work on my book. Today's shout-out goes to the graphic artist who did all of the promo material. Karina Winbigler is a wizard at this stuff. Check her out…

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Hey! I wrote a book.

Maybe highly experienced/published writers don't get quite the same thrill as I'm experiencing right now. Pre-orders for my book just went live on Amazon, Square, and via the publisher, Inklings Publishing. Here's the link to the Inklings market page: If you want a hard copy, and I know that…

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Hey! I’m on a podcast.

A while back, Angie Drymala of Creatrix Chats interviewed me for her podcast. It was not what I expected. I was anticipating some of the standard author questions (and got a few of those) but our conversation ended up being fairly wide ranging over the hour we talked. Here's the…

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