Entering a New Phase

Yesterday afternoon I gathered with fifty or so friends. We stood in an empty T-hangar at the  airport. Unfortunately, the hangar faced west, so we were mostly in direct sun and heat. Many wore masks. Everyone sweated. Why bother doing something this uncomfortable? CV-19 has changed a lot of things.…


Hot Lava and Quicksand

Saw something online about things that worried you as a kid but turned out to be worth very little anxiety as an adult. Hot lava It was never simply “lava.” It specifically had to be hot lava. Never molten magma, liquified rock, vaporized stone, or the like. Similarly scalding, very…


No Dogs. No Dragons.

I wanted both. I mean, who doesn’t like dogs and dragons in a story? Look what it did for A Song of Fire and Ice and George R.R. Martin. I had a dog. Long sequence with Will living on the street in Barstow and befriending a dog. Turned out the…


A Quiet Read

Just plowed through this book. Outstanding. I'm a guy who can walk into a cocktail party where the world's 100 most fascinating people are gathered. Let's say I know two of them when I arrive - you know who you are. Two hours later (if I last that long) I…