Book 2: Fire – first draft complete!

Eight drafts! During the 12 Days of Page Turners online event, the host, Aimee Ravichandran (@aimeeravichandran) of Abundantly Social, asked me how long it took to write SPARK. I told her that I thought it took about a year to finish the first draft. There were eight drafts before it…


Meet the Pod Part 2: Yennifer, Zen, DeadElf

Among the games that I have truly enjoyed – and by that, I mean that they’re good enough to play at least twice – is the Witcher series. Particularly Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. If you’ve played the game, read the books, or watched the series, you know Yennifer. (I…


Thank you, Matthew!

We dwell in a universe of quick, easy, “likes.”  So, when I checked the mail last week and saw a hand-addressed envelope, I was surprised. Inside was my first ever piece of fan mail. An honest-to-God, hand-written note to me: As Newcomer put it: “There will never be a digital…


El Camino Blue by Joseph D. Newcomer

I follow Newcomer’s blog. That’s what led me to this book. Check him out at His website tells us that El Camino Blue is “loosely based” on a journal he kept during the last four months of high school. I survived my teen years and don’t want to go…