A few posts back, I talked about FIGMO Factor (number of days worked divided by number of days left to work). As the denominator approaches zero, the value of the factor approaches infinity. For you math geeks,

where x=days worked and n=days left to work, with n and x being positive real numbers
What happens when n actually hits zero? That’s where I am now: Beyond Infinity. I know some of my fellow geeks are going to argue a different answer, but, hey, go with me here.
Beyond Infinity started today, when I turned in everything that marked me as a member of company, selling my life, one day at a time to my employer. I have escaped the soul-sucking tyranny of full-time employment. I’m in uncharted waters. (BTW, if you haven’t played the Uncharted games, they’re a lot of fun.)

I’m in the land of imagination and I’m paralyzed by the freedom that comes with it. Even before I crossed the infinite threshold, I started making lists of everything I needed and wanted to do; I was repopulating x with optional activites. Well, except for paying taxes. Apparently, it’s frowned on when you treat that as optional.
The key, I think, is going to be keeping other people from throwing things I don’t want to do into my hopper. I’ll let you know how that goes.
The company I left is the most asocial I’ve ever encountered. At no point during my first eighteen months at the company did anyone say, “Hey, let’s go grab some lunch,” or “Want to get a beer after work?” It was bizarre. Eventually, I hired two more people into my department and that changed. Still, it was odd that no one socialized. Most people brought their lunch and when the time came, they walked to the microwave, nuked it, and returned to their office to eat in silence.

So, on my last day, I expected nothing. As I turned in my stuff, I collected a few hugs and hearty handshakes. That night, @rayparrish and his wife took us out for dinner. They presented me with the perfect farewell gift. My own Star Trek (TOS) communicator. It connects via Bluetooth through my phone. I love it!
The far side of infinity is looking up.
A hearty congratulations. And agreed– hopefully Bill Shatner will make it to Comicpalooza so you can show him your state of the art tech.