Recently I had a bad cough. I suffered long enough to be told that I needed to find somewhere else to sleep. The neighbors declined, so I moved upstairs and called the doc. I got scheduled for an appointment the next day.
A teledoc visit.
Really? How do they know if I have bronchitis? Pneumonia? “Please hold the phone to the lower back lobe of your left lung and breathe deeply?”

I’m still alive and coughing less, so I guess it’s nothing fatal…yet.
Consider Abby Morrison a teleauthor visit. She can’t be at the booth, but her books, stickers, and minifigs will. Abby’s debut novel, The Yochni’s Eye, was reviewed here. Good stuff!
Dungeon Masters the world over should be using her book as the backbone of a new campaign. Dibs on Bogey as my character class.
ComicPalooza. This weekend. Houston. George R. Brown Convention Center. Booth 2303. Buy signed books. Meet “famous” authors. Hang out with William Shatner.
My cough is gone, btw.