First Look – WB

Very minor spoilers. Will Kwan is a second-generation gamer. His first toys were discarded Xbox and PS controllers that he chewed on as his teeth came in. Spark opened when he was six, but the family waited until he was tall enough to participate in all of the quests. By…


First Look – Feral Daughter

Spoiler alert. I’m going to do my best to avoid pre-publication spoilers. I’ll give up minor details, as below, that don’t directly impact any of the main plot lines but will stay away from things like Yoda flying. If you’re a purist, you may want to skip to some of…


Pushing Tech

How scientifically accurate does science fiction need to be? When I was looking for an agent, I noticed that many of the agencies would accept science fiction, but only a small subset were interested in "hard science fiction" - stuff that is as technically accurate as the author can make…


Dark matter, dinosaurs, and super-massive black holes

One of the storylines in Solar Prime revolves around the dinosaur extinction event. The quest itself is called KT Crossing in the book. That is a reference to the geological boundary between the Cretaceous (K) and Tertiary (T) periods. Current theory is that a meteoroid hit Earth where the  Chicxulub…